Gosia Reed - The Power of Intention

I had the distinct honor of sitting down and chatting with Gosia Reed, Founder and sole Owner of Gosha's Organics, LLC for an entire hour. Gosha's Organics, LLC manufactures and distributes three incredible products in a line called ODNOVAODNOVA is a super-packed super-food, including ingredients like: phytoplankton, adaptogens, medicinal spices and mushrooms, bee products, monoatomic minerals, and adaptogenic herbs. For more information on what that all means, check this out: https://www.goshasorganics.com/ingredients

Gosia does everything with intention. I've personally known Gosia for a while, and every time I am with her it's the same — she's authentic, caring, and incredibly intentional. 

We've all heard about the Law of Attraction, which is wonderful, but hear how the power of intention can be used immediately to come into the present moment and cut through your story — the stories that may just be holding you back. In this episode, Gosia describes what "consciousness" means to her, and how that state can be accessed mentally, physically, and energetically; all of which ODNOVA works to assist your body with. 


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